Welcome to Launch

The Brighton Launch Adult Program began in 2015 out of a need and a vision.

The need was to fill a gap for many of our high school students at Brighton School who were completing their secondary years and were looking for a meaningful next step in their journey to adulthood.

The vision was to create a program for young adults with challenges to develop skills and competencies for the workplace, independent living, and community participation – leading to choices and opportunities, and a productive, satisfying adult life.

One of the first things we did was to develop our own curriculum (called TASC©: Transition to Adulthood Skills Curriculum) to direct the learning in what we call the six domains: Language, Literacy & Numeracy; Independent Living Skills; Workplace Skills & Career Development; Community Skills; Private Matters; Social Skills & Self-Regulation.

Rather than a series of stand-alone courses, our curriculum provides a ‘one-stop-shopping’ integrated approach to ensure that students’ key goals are being addressed in a focused, consistent and synchronized manner across the curriculum, with experienced Coaches who know our young adults very well.  

Students are assigned to different groups so we can differentiate what we teach to meet the needs of all of our students, who come with a range of abilities and skills.

Brighton Launch is not a time-limited program.  Students can enroll for one year or several; can be full-time or part-time; and can remain connected to Launch in various ways throughout their lives and careers, returning for career assistance or job-training as needed, or to participate in the popular Friday Night Social groups!

Heading into our 10th year, Launch has grown to over 30 students, and is completely fulfilling the vision! It is unique in the field of adult programs. It’s a wonderful place to learn and work, and we have seen such growth and development of students over the years.

The Launch program is located at 40 Wynford Drive, with customized spaces on the second and third floor. These bright and cheerful spaces contains classrooms, a kitchen, laundry room, offices, a social enterprise production centre, a student lounge, a fitness centre, game room and of course, a student hub!

Please contact our Program Manager at (416) 932-8273, ext. 520 to arrange a virtual meeting and tour to ‘see’ Launch for yourself!