Trying to come up with your own day programs for adults with disabilities is a big task. As anyone with a young adult around the house knows, this is an age for lounging around in bedrooms or getting up to mischief; neither of which tend to result in particularly positive outcomes. When the young adult in question has a learning disability or other challenges to deal with, inspiring any motivation can become even more difficult to address.
That’s why it is well worth seeking out dedicated day programs that will help keep the challenged young adult in your life occupied, entertained and motivated.
Why keeping active is important
Without regular exercise and appropriate nutrition, our bodies simply do not perform at their best ability. When we become sluggish, motivation drops, interest in outside activities wanes and the weight can start to pile on.
Life confined to the home has been challenging for just about everyone during the pandemic, with mental issues a particular concern. As we’ve all discovered, restricted access to social events and activities can lead to depression, fatigue and a lack of motivation. That’s equally the case for adults with any kind of disability, for whom leaving the home can already be a complex procedure.
However, as we all know, keeping active both mentally and physically is essential for good health. Finding the opportunity to go beyond your own four walls is very important. In addition to getting some fresh air and exercise, taking the time to explore new things helps to stimulate the brain, encouraging engagement and interest with the wider world.
What support can day programs provide?
Day program activities range from small group meetings over a cup of coffee, to full-time courses that help to prepare young disabled adults for the world of work and independent or supported living. Unlike schools and colleges, at Launch, the focus is on learning new skills, with achievement measured by competencies, not exams.
Attending a day program opens the doors to new experiences and skills. From learning about basic nutrition, meal planning and household management, to brushing up on numeracy and literacy skills, there’s something for just about everyone to enjoy. Many activity programs aimed at adults with disabilities have moved online since Covid, enabling users to continue socializing and learning from their own homes.
How to find day program activities for adults with disabilities
To find opportunities for fun and engaging daily activities for adults with disabilities just head to your favourite search engine. Wherever you live, there’s sure to be something within reach. During Covid restrictions, there are plenty of online opportunities too.
For example, Brighton Launch has some unique day programs for adults with disabilities in and around Toronto, with full-time and part-time options to suit most circumstances. Learning modules have moved online during Covid restrictions, enabling students to continue accessing their activities. The organization also offers a fun and highly popular Friday Night Social event, which is operating via Zoom when normal socializing isn’t allowed.