Soft Skill Training: Preparing Adults with Autism for the Workplace

Brighton Launch is an innovative new program for young adults with learning disabilities and other challenges, who wish to keep developing their skills and continue to learn.

Flexible personal paths

Every student in our program will have their own personal path and goals. Some may be seeking to enter employment or supported employment. Others may be looking to live in an independent or supported arrangement or be looking to participate in the community or take their education further.

Whatever the learner’s goals, the Brighton Launch programs for adults with autism in Ontario are carefully designed to meet every need. We support our students to develop their confidence and self-advocacy skills, to learn new skills for life and employment overall and to achieve their full potential as individuals. At the same time, our students and their families tell us that they love the vibrant and diverse social community and the chance to meet new friends.

Programs for adults with autism in Ontario: Keystone materials

This Launch program is based on our tried and tested ‘Transition to Adulthood Skills Curriculum’ (TASC©), which has been used successfully to help hundreds of students to achieve their goals. The program offers an integrated and comprehensive approach to skills development over a number of vital domains; from foundational skills to community, social skills, private matters, community, work and independent living skills.

Each student receives their own Chromebook for the year and are provided with additional coaching in digital literacy, to empower them to operate confidently in the online world – both in the classroom and at home.

Managing programs for adults with autism in Ontario during Covid

During the pandemic, we launched a new remote learning program which proved to be a huge success, and we continue to offer this. Students simply log on to their class from home and participate in real-time, with guidance from their coaches and group leaders. We have heavily invested in our tech solutions to provide engaging and participative learning for all students.

Key things to know about the program

– The day program runs from September to June, 9.00 – 5.00 on Monday to Friday. We offer a comprehensive and full-time program where the focus is on work experience and independent living skills, as well as a part-time independent living skills program which includes modules for enhancing social skills, language and communication.

– There is a part-time work experience program which is also for students who want to move ahead with work experience and the development of a career path, whilst developing new digital literacy, social and communication skills.

– Student ages range from 18-35 plus. Every participant has a key goals document prepared at the start of the year through a collaborative process with students, parents and group leaders. A progress report is sent home annually and optional progress conferences are held with families in the spring.

– The social side of our program is also excellent, including the very popular and free virtual Friday Night Social (FNS) which is open to all students.

Get in touch

Please contact us to find out more about our programs and the next virtual Open House.

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